With over 200 nominations, we are gearing up for our 10th Annual School Heroes—Top Teacher, Top Employees, and Top Leaders—of 2023 awards and issue. We asked you our readers to submit nominations for those educators, employees, and administrators that consistently go above and beyond the call of duty. Those who innovate, dare to make a change at their schools. Those who inspire students and other staff members to reach their full potential. Those who meet education challenges head-on. Orange County is fortunate enough to have so many extraordinary schools. Below are the judging criteria used to pick the best of the best in education.
Last Year’s Winners
Top Teachers Criteria 2023
Do you have a teacher at your school who does more than educate students? Who gets students excited about learning, teaches life lessons, is valued by parents, peers, administration and students, and whose classes consistently rank among the top in test scores? Nominate him or her to be honored by Parenting OC in our upcoming March 2023 Top Teachers issue.
Teacher Award Categories
- Preschool Teacher
- Grade School Teacher
- Middle School Teacher
- High School Teacher
Nomination Rules
- Only one nomination per category, for each school
- Teacher must be actively teaching in Orange County
- Nomination must be approved by principal or school head.
Judging Criteria for Teachers
- Creativity in teaching method
- Teaches other teachers
- Passion/personally involved
- Community service/nonprofit work
- Multiple school duties
- Heads up and starts up other school programs
- Years of service
- Writes grants or raises funds for school
- Student and/or parent favorite
Top Employees Criteria 2023
We are looking for those employees who go above and beyond, not in the classroom, but behind the scenes—in the offices, the kitchens, the libraries, the buses, on the school grounds. They are classified workers, whose ranks include instructional assistants, custodians, office clerks, technicians, bus drivers and other non-certificated staff members.
Nomination Rules
- Only one nomination for each school
- Employee must be actively working in Orange County
- Nomination must be approved by principal or school head
Judging Criteria for Employees
- Multiple school duties
- Contributes beyond job description
- Passion/Personally involved
- Years of service
- Student and/or parent favorite

Leadership Award Criteria 2023
The Leadership Award is a lifetime achievement honor that goes to an individual who has paved the way for others, created change, and led the way, and has devoted their career to education. We want to recognize a leader in Orange County Schools. This year nominate a ground-breaking educator, a principal, a school head, or a district or countywide official who has met education challenges head on.
Nomination Rules
- One nomination per school, and one per district office
- Nominee must be actively working
- Must be approved by an administrator or district office
Judging Criteria for Leaders
- A long career of service
- A leader among their peers or a peerless leader
- Inspires others
- An innovator
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