Catching the Acting Bug
(Photo Courtesy of Ralph Palumbo) Acting Academy for Kids and Teens’ programs and summer camps teach OC kids a passion for performing arts along with...
Designed for children of different ages and interests day camps provide a variety of indoor activities and outdoor adventures from horses or robotics to surfing or gymnastics.
(Photo Courtesy of Ralph Palumbo) Acting Academy for Kids and Teens’ programs and summer camps teach OC kids a passion for performing arts along with...
[caption id="attachment_34808" align="aligncenter" width="700"] Cute Kid Winner Aliya Wallace at Lil Chef School in Irvine. Photo by Ralph Palumbo[/caption] Lil’ Chef School in Irvine celebrates...
There are several considerations to keep in mind when finding a summer camp for your kids. It’s no exaggeration to say that the one event...
It is often said that summer camp helps children make memories to last a lifetime. But camp does more than build memories — it builds strong, resilient and…
Tips to help kids with their first camp experience. School’s almost out. You found the perfect day camp for your little artist, swimmer or scientist, but…
(Photo Courtesy of Ralph Palumbo) Acting Academy for Kids and Teens’ programs and summer camps teach OC kids a passion for performing arts along with lifelong skills. Stephen Zygo’s love of acting goes back to early childhood. He and his older brother, Mike, were lucky to have a robust arts program in their elementary and middle schools. Their favorite teacher, Mr. Richard Milks, led a show choir performing group and directed full-scale musicals. “After I was cast as Smee and my brother as Peter in ‘Peter Pan,’ we both caught ‘the bug’ and were hooked,” he said. Sadly, when he...
(Photo Courtesy of Endless Sun Surf Camp) Mental health remains in view for camp directors as we head into summer camp season. In 2020, Camp James directors received emails or had parents coming in to say — often with tears in their eyes — that they had not seen their child smile for the past months prior to coming to camp. “That they see that their precious little child is still in there after months of being homebound essentially and that at camp they see all their happiness returning,” said Camp James Newport Dunes co-director Theresa Collins. “We have returning...
Color Me Mine Metro Pointe offers fun, creative ceramic painting for the whole family every day! Enjoy special events and deals all year long. Kids (grades K-6) can also participate in six weeks of fun and hands-on summer camp. Paint a new ceramic piece everyday, along with treasure hunts, mystery eggs, scavenger hunts, and secret surprises! Explore fun themes each week like Star Wars, African Safari, Myths and Legends, and more. Dates: July 11 – August 19, 2022 Time: Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – noon Cost: $194 per week, per child Call the studio to book
Since 1980, Steve & Kate’s has put kids in charge of their own learning experience. Kids ages 4-12 choose from a variety of activities in real-time, including sewing, coding, film, sports, and more! Families can buy any number of days, and use at any time–no weekly reservations required. Or, buy a Summer Pass, which covers the whole season. Either way, any unused Passes will be automatically refunded at summer’s end. Lunch, snacks & all hours (8am–6pm) included. 949.669.5134 |
The Tustin Parks and Recreation Department offers a large variety of summer activities and camps for kids ages 3-16. Day and teen camps for 1st through 8th grade and half-day camp for pre-k kids. Other summer camps include basketball, Lego, manners, science, engineering, lacrosse, dance, baseball, football, tennis, and more. Check us out at or call 714-573-3326 today!
Making the best of the 2020 season, local camps now look ahead to continue offering kids much-needed socialization with health and safety in mind. Each quarter at the Acting Academy for Kids & Teens, kids produce a musical theater experience complete with singing and dancing. “The crown jewel at AA4K is [our] Summer Performing Arts Camps for kids starting as young as 4,” says Acting Academy for Kids & Teens Founder/Director Stephen J. Zygo. “These week-long mini-musicals are a wonderful opportunity for kids.” But the pandemic shut down the Mission Viejo-based Acting Academy two days before their winter production of...
With some preparation, parents can ready children for a successful camp experience. In recent years, there has been an increase in awareness on the need to expose children to camping activities. Exposing children to camps increases their sense of self-reliance, ambition, adventure, optimism and self-esteem. Camps offer unique opportunities that enable children with varying abilities to distance themselves from daily stressors. Such a favorable environment enables children to explore their individuality. Gaining in-depth insights about themselves increases their sense of autonomy and responsibility. Children often spend most of their formative years in the same neighborhoods, reducing the diversity of their...
Storymakery in Laguna Hills teaches children a passion for writing by giving them the tools to create stories. Camps and after-school programs can teach important academic and life skills while creating a memorable, enjoyable experience. Faith Vidal was only 6 when she started attending the Storymakery writing camp. And she wasn’t super excited about writing then, according to her mom, Gina. But that quickly changed for Faith, who is now 8, and has attended the camp for the past three summers. “For the past three years, writing is her favorite subject in school,” says Gina. “She loves to write all...
[caption id="attachment_34808" align="aligncenter" width="700"] Cute Kid Winner Aliya Wallace at Lil Chef School in Irvine. Photo by Ralph Palumbo[/caption] Lil’ Chef School in Irvine celebrates 10 years of teaching local children a passion for cooking. Tracey Doty started cooking with her mom and grandma at a young age. When she was still in elementary school and around the holidays, they would spend the whole day cooking during a given holiday. As she got older, she started doing more cooking and even made dishes ahead of time, so the family could devote more time on their other holiday tradition: a family...
There are several considerations to keep in mind when finding a summer camp for your kids. It’s no exaggeration to say that the one event kids really look forward to all year is the summer camp. But how do you choose the right one? Based on my experiences as the parent of a 15-year-old boy, as well as conversations with other parents, I’ve figured out the top six things to consider. Cost It goes without saying that cost is an important factor, especially if you have more than one kid. Summer camps can range widely in price, depending on whether...
OC performing arts camps teach more than just drama and dance numbers. Whether your child dreams of lighting up Broadway, dancing in “The Nutcracker,” or is just looking to make lasting memories with their peers, performing arts camps may be the way to go this summer. Back in the day, parents with stars-in-the-making used to have to commute to Los Angeles for prestigious summer theater and dance programs. However, the performance bug took a big bite out of OC for the past couple of decades with nationally recognized theaters, universities, and institutions popping up all over the county offering onstage...
As a parent, the thought of sending your little one (or not-so-little one) off to camp, whether it be day camp or a week of camp, can get your stomach all in knots. Making a checklist to follow when the process gets overwhelming can help you stay on track and not mired in an emotional spin that could raise your stress level, or even worse give your observant kiddo a sense of uneasiness. 1. Compile a list of all the camps going on in and around you area. Ask your friends, look online, visit your community center, ask the teachers...
Q: [School-Aged] We are looking at camps for the summer. Some have sibling discounts, which has us wondering — is it a pro or con to send sibs to camp together? We don’t join up with other friends for camp because we like our child to branch out and make new friends and get a fresh perspective on life, but should that extend to picking different camps for our kids, too? A: The question of whether to send siblings to the same camp is an interesting one and has a variety of considerations. If your camp of choice offers a...
Parents spend a lot of time trying to motivate kids. We use chore charts, checklists, reminders and rewards to get them to feed the dog, clean their rooms, and complete schoolwork. But these techniques don’t change behavior long-term. Real motivation must come from within. The Psychology of Summer Camp Time at camp may be all it takes to spark a little self-determination in your kid. I know it sounds too good to be true. Your school-age slacker — the one who expects you to find his homework and pack his lunch — might start doing some things for himself. And...
Q: [Parents of Campers] I have read many advice pieces on how to deal with first time camper stress…but not for the parents. Am I the only mom freaking out about my baby being away for a whole week? A: If your kids are going to sleep-away camp this summer, you may be wrestling with worries and what-ifs. What if he wets the bed? What if the other kids are cliquish or mean? Will the camp director call me if she’s miserable? Why Parents Worry You may worry that without structure kids won’t be able to handle routine tasks like...
T(w)een Camps and Afterschool Organizations Camps and extracurriculars often focus on teaching a skill or honing a talent. These OC opportunities teach our tweens and teens something even more important, how to become a leader Stopping Bullies with a Roar Giving back. It is the opposite of what we think of when “teen” is mentioned. However, this concept is a worthy draw for those inspired to change the landscape of the society in which they live. Open to any teenager with a desire to invest their time in helping others, Lion’s Heart empowers teens to volunteer for a multitude of...
Q: [School-Aged] My daughter is about to spend her first week at Sleep away Camp. But every week, there’s a new cause for panic. What if I get bitten by a snake, what if I get stung by wasps, what if I can’t pass the swim test, what if I can’t sleep, what if I can’t remember the words to the camp fire songs…how do I help quell her anxiety and get her excited about camp? A: Going off to camp for the first time is an exciting event. There is a new type of independence, new friends, new foods,...
Q: [School-Aged] My middle-schooler is getting ready to go to camp for the first time. It seems like friendships at this age are in flux, to put it mildly. Is it better to lock her into her time away with friends who might be frenemies by then, or encourage her to make new friends and branch out by signing her up solo? A: Sending your child to camp for the first time can be exciting and seen as a marker in the birth of their emerging independence of adolescence. It is understandable for parents to feel apprehensive about the unpredictability...