When these hardworking and innovative mamas got down to business, they took inspiration directly from their little ones!
Anna Dubrovsky
City: Orange
Mom to: Leela, 5, Rafael 4
Business Name: Wee Likey | weelikey.com
Business Location: Wherever I happen to be
Year of Business Creation: Incorporated in 2016, launched in 2017
What inspired you to become a mompreneur?
I remember going to Babies“R”Us when pregnant and feeling overwhelmed by the multitude of products. I didn’t know what I would need or want. After my daughter was born, what I really wanted was sleep and the occasional shower. Earrings and bracelets had always been my go-to accessories, and I was dismayed to discover that jewelry and babies do NOT mix. No matter how many toys I dangled in her face, my daughter would reach for whatever bauble I was wearing. I looked for jewelry that could be safely handed to baby, and I just couldn’t find it. So I set out to make it. Sleep deprivation or a stroke of genius, that’s how Wee Likey was born.
How do your kids feel about your business? Do they play any part?
Besides providing the inspiration for my jewelry/toys, my kids served as a focus group when I began making prototypes. The fact that they loved them gave me hope that other moms and kids would love them, too.
Last Mother’s Day, our preschool had the kids fill out questionnaires about their mothers. It asked about age, eye color, etc. To the question about my job, my daughter had answered: “to work for her bracelets.” That put a huge smile on my face. I want to show my kids that hard work can turn ideas into reality, that they can choose unique paths in life, and, hopefully, that it pays to think creatively. If my business crashes and burns, I will show them the importance of resilience.
How do you juggle mom-time and business-time?
Not very well, I’m afraid. I never manage to cross off everything on my to-do lists. I generally prioritize family to-dos over business to-dos, and some days it feels like I can’t squeeze any work into my “work day.” Instead of promoting Wee Likey, I’m racing through Costco, making flashcards, scheduling flu shots, unloading the dishwasher, pretreating stains, planning a birthday party… I think most moms feel similar. We talk about “juggling” as if we’ll eventually nail it, but the trick is letting a ball drop without missing a beat.
How to you de-stress from the pressures of raising a child…and a business?
I’d like to say yoga, but my mat has been gathering dust lately. At the end of most days, I’m reaching for a glass of wine and the remote. My favorite way to recharge is a girls getaway. I have the best girlfriends in the world, time with them is all the therapy I need.
Tips for other mompreneurs?
I’m still figuring things out, so I’m not in a position to be dispensing advice. I can warn that launching a business will probably take longer and cost more than you expect. I’ve also learned that marketing is everything. I thought creating a product from scratch would be the hard part, and it would be smooth sailing once I got it on Amazon. That was naïve. Leading people to the product is the real challenge. I hope that doesn’t sound discouraging. At the end of the day, there’s nothing I’d rather be doing.
Pazit BenEzri
City: Irvine
Mom to: Meshi (15), Ron (12) Myli (7) Noam (1)
Business Name: Lulyboo LLC | www.lulyboo.com
Business Location: Lake Forest
Year of Business Creation: 2008
What inspired you to become a mompreneur?
When I created the first bassinet-to-go, I wasn’t even thinking of creating a business. I was simply trying to find something comfortable for my baby to sleep in, that I could easily take with me anywhere we went. So, I decided to create a portable bassinet to make that possible. When I finished, and saw the incredible difference that it made in my family, I felt a strong need to make that difference happen for others too! I see so many items missing in the market and firmly believe that when it comes to what products will truly benefit families, parents know best.
How do your kids feel about your business? Do they play any part?
My kids are very involved, supportive and creative throughout the process. I often share issues I’m having with them and I’m always surprised to hear their ideas. They always come up with out-of-the-box solutions and wonderful ideas for new items, too! Since producing the first Bassinet to-go, each of my kids has their own. They slept in it when they were infants and still love to lay inside them and watch tv as they grow. With Noam, my youngest (1 year old), I had a second opportunity to think about what items in the market could make our life easier. This was my inspiration for our innovative travel line coming out this year. Some of the new items include a special car seat protector with a device window, and a very unique head and body support with removable pillows (that truly supports baby!) for cars and strollers, plus so many more!
How do you juggle mom-time and business time?
I have to be super organized every day, my calendar is absolutely full! It starts with the gym at 5am, then off to the office for meetings, my kids’ classes, events, and even playdates. It’s also important to make time in my schedule for dates with my husband, and some much-needed personal time. It may seem like a lot, but I love my life, and wouldn’t change it any way. Whenever something new comes up, I just add it to my calendar and try my best to follow it. My husband, Nati, is super supportive and makes my life much easier 🙂
How do you de-stress from the pressures of raising a child… and a business?
When you are up to something big and are creating new projects all the time, you have to expect some stress. But I always accept it as a natural part of my life, so it doesn’t get in the way of anything. By creating time for myself (gym, friends, movies, dates with my husband) I’m able to continue enjoying it all.
Tips for other mompreneurs?
When you are starting a business, dream big and visualize it as much as you can. But remember to take one step at a time and stay consistently focused on achieving your dreams. You’ve also got to share, share, share your experiences with your family, friends, co-workers, customers, and everyone else you know. It’ll keep you up when times are tough, because you’re surrounding yourself with support. Remember… these things take time, but if you’re patient, consistent, and believe in yourself – everyone else will too!
Danya Sher
City: Mission Viejo
Mom to: Jayden, 5 & Ora Jo, 16 months
Business Name: MOhM | www.mymohm.com
Business Location: Mission Viejo
Year of Business Creation: 2017
What inspired you to become a mompreneur?
I have always worked for myself in the Personal Training and Yoga industry doing fall prevention training with seniors, Prenatal fitness and wellness, and doing exercise and yoga with special needs kids. When I had my second baby, Ora Jo, after moving to Mission Viejo and seeing the need for support in the mom and parenting world in South OC, I just couldn’t stop myself. I had to fill the void. Always wanting a yoga studio of my own and being a mom, I collided my worlds where I can be and do both, as indicated in the name MOhM – MOM + OHM.
How do your kids feel about your business? Do they play any part?
The kids have been my inspiration and and my fuel. Ora is still young and gets to participate in my classes, so it’s fun for her. However it does interfere in her nap and feeding “schedule”, or lack thereof. Jayden helps his Dad assemble furniture and get the studio ready. He points out pregnant women and new moms everywhere we go saying “Mommy, do you have any flyers? We should give them one.” He also enjoys helping me on cleaning days after school, he’s great at mopping the floors (not child labor, I promise!).
How do you juggle mom-time and business-time?
There is no lying here… It’s extremely difficult. This is a one woman show. Some days, the juggle is typing an email on my phone, on the toilet, while Jayden brushes his teath and Ora is on my lap… TMI? You know you’ve all been there Moms! By nature I want to teach, engage with the moms face to face, and facilitate. So having to be behind the scenes as well, doing administrative work, updating the website (I am the least tech savvy human on the planet, but am learning), scheduling and so forth, has been a challenge and especially the time management aspect of it all. I do most of that until late at night in bed after putting the kids to sleep and having dinner with my husband, Ryan, which is not conducive to my favorite hobby in the world, sleeping! Like all of us, juggling being a mom and being there for your kids with anything, even just taking a shower, can seem impossible. We just have to do whatever it takes and pray for it to not be accompanied by a meltdown, kids or our own!
How to you de-stress from the pressures of raising a child…and a business?
I love this question! Stress is a constant. It just fluctuates. Some days, some moments I feel it more (just like all of us!) and some days less. When I’m able to fit in some self care, my number ONE stress fighter is… yoga. It is my happy place where I can just shut out the world, tune inward, and breathe. It is the ultimate stress relief. I also just love to lay in bed with a cup of my favorite tea and South African treat, a rusk, catch up with Ryan, and watch T.V. I love having a delicious glass of vino with with friends and the hubby.
Tips for other mompreneurs?
If there is something you want to do, just dive in head first to the deep end. If I would have more deeply considered every single component of what it would entail to have a business with small kids, (Ora was 3 months old when I decided to do this and 8 months old when I opened my doors, and Jayden was 4) I would never have done it and I would have regretted it. So be prepared to work your little tails off with blood sweat and tears, and trust yourself and the journey. As I have always believed and preached, “there is no reward without risk.” So take the risk, and follow your ambition and your heart, and give it your best shot. If in the end you don’t succeed, you can be proud knowing you tried and you took a risk that most would not. There will be days of questioning yourself, no doubt, but then the next day, you have a better day and things just fall into place!
Stacy Clark
City: Orange
Mom to: Dakota (2) and Dax (6 months)
Business Name: Flowerchild Festival | www.flowerchildfestival.org
Business Location: Orange County
Year of Business Creation: 2016
What inspired you to become a mompreneur?
I have always been a gogetter so it happened naturally. Before I had kids, I was a full time musician. Since 2006, I have been running my own business, One Small Instrument LLC. I enjoy bringing people together so have always leaned towards creating things to do that. Flowerchild Festival is a perfect fit. As a mompreneur, the goal is to spend more time with my family and the festival is about creating community while bringing families together.
Prior to music I ran a design and marketing business with my friend. My background over the years has been in everything from producing photoshoots for Rock & Republic Jeans to sales, Director of Marketing to graphic design, PR to producing a TV pilot/music videos. I am happy to have had such a diverse background because it has taught me a lot. When we had our family, I wanted to create something that would allow me to spend more time with our kids. Being a stay at mom and working from home seemed like the perfect fit. Working for yourself is great — you choose your own schedule, the amount of work you want to take on and who you want to work with.
How do your kids feel about your business? Do they play any part?
They seem to enjoy it! They play a huge part. My children are the reason Flowerchild Festival exists. Becoming a mother opens your life up to a whole new world and changes your priorities. I wanted to create a space where parents could come enjoy time with their kids. I also wanted them to have access to some amazing vendors and baby brands that might benefit them. As a parent it’s easy to put your needs last, so I felt it was important to have a #treatyourself area where parents could get free massage, braid bar and mini-mommy makeovers by Sleekhair, nail polish changes, sweet treats and more. In addition, this festival supports many mom owned and family businesses, and provides a fun environment for children to play with a variety of activities. The activities include arts & crafts, outdoor STEM learning area, music, tumble area, facepainting, family yoga, coloring and fairytale storytime. We had Munchkin as our presenting sponsor, Pretend City, Kindercare and LePort doing some cool activities as well. With so many arts and music programs being cut in schools, I feel it’s important to provide these activities to children. It’s also important to support businesses who contribute so much to the community, such as Moms Orange County. We donated 10% of all ticket sales to this amazing nonprofit which provides free educational newborn and classes for moms.
How do you juggle mom-time and business-time?
It can be a crazy at times. I like to get work in before the kids wake up, while they nap or when they go to sleep for the night.
How to you de-stress from the pressures of raising a child…and a business?
I enjoy writing songs and hanging out with my friends. My husband and I love going to dinner, yoga, the beach or a concert. Also, I recently discovered Fit4Mom. Nothing like a good workout to pump your endorphins and a yoga session to relax your muscles while clearing your mind. Fit4Mom is great because they specialize in postpartum workouts and know how to help you achieve your fitness goals.
Tips for other mompreneurs?
Follow your heart and trust your intuition. There are highs and lows to every business, don’t get discouraged. There will be challenges and fear. You can fail at anything, so you may as well be doing what you love. It is easy to get caught up in work. Make sure you are present during the time you spend with your family.
By Sascha Zuger
Maelynn Schlipp says
Hello! I am so inpsired by you all. I just opened my own business as well. My two little ones are my teachers and partners every step of the way. Reading your stories makes me feel even more motivated to know I am a part of a group of mommas like yourselves. Thank you for all your work and all the stuff no one sees behind the scenes! <3 <3